“沙漠鹞”号离开了TEMCO, LLC, 休斯顿的粮食出口码头, Texas, 将于5月14日前往尼日利亚, 2023. 这艘船看上去和其他驶进墨西哥湾的船没什么两样, but its cargo — more than 一百万蒲式耳 of hard red winter wheat and spring wheat — was special.
Terminal Manager Michael Bates says it was the first wheat shipment entirely sourced by CHS that was exported from the facility after it became the fourth terminal in the TEMCO family in early 2023. TEMCO is a joint venture between CHS and Cargill that also includes export facilities in 俄勒冈州波特兰 Ore.华盛顿州的卡拉马和塔科马.
该项目将为南部平原的农民和合作社提供服务, Brian Schouvieller说, 谁在TEMCO董事会中代表CHS. 该地区生产的粮食自然流向德克萨斯海湾出口.
“The Houston port gives us an additional export corridor to handle grain from beginning to end without sending it through a third party. 这为农民保留了更多价值,”Schouvieller说.
TEMCO的四个出口设施是对位于路易斯安那州默特尔格罗夫的CHS出口终端的补充.以及威斯康星州的苏必利尔., to provide efficient export options to benefit CHS owners and serve customers around the world.
“通过扩大我们的综合供应链和出口合作系统的机会, 我们改善农民的市场准入和机会, 这将增加通过德克萨斯海湾出口的符合赞助资格的蒲式耳的数量,Schouvieller说. “Handling grain from the farm to the consumer through the cooperative system improves efficiency and quality control.”
休斯顿, Texas |
Kalama, Wash. |
俄勒冈州波特兰 Ore. |
Tacoma, Wash. |
在 | 1967 | 1962 | 1955 | 1975 |
加入TEMCO | 2023 | 2012 | 2012 | 1992 |
初级产品 | 小麦、高粱、玉米、大豆 | 小麦、高粱、大豆、玉米、豌豆 | Wheat | 大豆、玉米 |
主要出口目的地 | 北非,中国,墨西哥,南美 | 中国,东南亚,中美洲,中东 | 东南亚,中东,中国 | 中国,日本,韩国,台湾 |
存储容量 (单位:百万蒲式耳) |
6 | 6.5 | 1.3 | 3 |
每年装载的粮食 (单位:百万蒲式耳) |
140 | 250 | 35 | 200 |
装车能力 (每小时蒲式耳) |
140,000 | 120,000 | 40,000 | 80,000 |
驳船每年卸货 | N/A | 300 | 400 | N/A |
铁路车厢每年卸货 | 40,000 | 62,000 | 600 | 52,000 |
穿梭列车每年都在卸货 | 480+ | 530+ | N/A |
N/A |
远洋船舶年装货量 | 100+ | 125+ | 40 | 100+ |
多种出口设施可减轻针对天气事件的风险, 物流的问题, 运营中断和市场变化, 布莱恩·库比克说, TEMCO总经理. 通过TEMCO合资皇冠hga010安卓二维码, CHS是太平洋西北地区(PNW)向亚洲市场最大的谷物出口商之一.
TEMCO shipped more than 400 million bushels of grain from June 2022 through May 2023 and handles about one-third of the grain exported from the PNW.
With the addition of the Houston port, TEMCO is also the largest grain exporter in the Texas Gulf. The facility has 6 million bushels of storage capacity and annually loads more than 140 million bushels on 100 to 120 vessels. 运往TEMCO所有地点的主要作物是小麦、大豆、高粱和玉米.
“休斯敦的扩建提供了更大的一篮子商品, 希望能使我们成为更有吸引力的贸易伙伴,库比克说.
Tens of millions of bushels of wheat and sorghum are produced in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas annually. 其中大部分谷物通过铁路和卡车运往休斯顿的TEMCO. 该设施的铁路调车场已经升级,每天可容纳350辆火车,卸下250辆汽车.
“在美国各地有四个出口码头.S. 通过TEMCO,我们有了更多的选择和更多的市场发现,”库比克补充道. “The shared supply chain made possible by the joint venture improves efficiency and reduces logistics costs, 这对客户有利.”
这一增加的力量将促进对亚洲和非洲新兴市场的销售. 虽然进口量低于预期,但中国仍是美国原油的最大进口国.S. 大豆和高粱.
目前的预测显示,中国将进口1亿吨大豆.4 million metric tons of coarse grain (mostly corn and sorghum) and 12 million metric tons of wheat during the 2023-2024 marketing year, 根据….S. 农业部(USDA)数据.
Africa will likely become a key market for international trade and investment over the coming decades, 根据美国农业部. 在2023年2月的报告中, the agency cited rapidly increasing population and urbanization and rising incomes on the continent, 哪些因素推动了肉类需求, 谷物和其他食物.
“Having access to a consistent berth in the Texas Gulf opens up new opportunities with customers in Morocco and other North African countries,瑞恩·卡夫瑞说, 谁来监督CHS的小麦生产线.
路易Deery, 他是纽约Star Trading皇冠hga010安卓二维码的首席小麦交易员, 他预计将从CHS购买更多的小麦, 由于有了通往美国南部的额外通道.S. bushels and the opportunity to work with one company that has multiple ports in the PNW and Gulf of Mexico.
The trader bought the wheat loaded into cargo holds of the Desert Harrier 尼日利亚的面粉厂, 它是该国最大的食品皇冠hga010安卓二维码之一,也是迪尔最大的客户. In June, he purchased 850,000 bushels of hard red winter wheat from CHS 尼日利亚的面粉厂. 所有这些都是通过休斯顿的TEMCO运输的.
“我们必须非常仔细地安排发货时间, so dealing with one supplier and having more shipping options improves efficiency and adds flexibility,迪尔说。, 如果风暴破坏了一个港口, 粮食可以从另一个地方转移和运输. “我们对粮食质量也非常谨慎,CHS有非常好的(质量)记录.”
Deery通常每年从美国采购约1700万蒲式耳小麦.S. 尼日利亚的面粉厂. Deery补充说,CHS和嘉吉提供了蒲式耳的“最大份额”.
“进一步整合供应链是件好事, 因为它能让农民更接近消费者. 这就是消费者想要的,”他说. “尼日利亚的面粉厂是一个相当大的硬粒小麦消费者,CHS是一个大的硬粒生产商, 所以我认为(从休斯顿出发的额外TEMCO航运选择)应该会打开更多的硬膜贸易.”
Cooperative leaders in Kansas are excited about the integrated export opportunities for grain and improved revenue potential that TEMCO and its Houston expansion offers. 他们认为农场主将在几个方面受益.
CHS and member cooperative Mid-Kansas Cooperative (MKC) expanded their grain marketing joint venture in April 2023 to maximize the value of an end-to-end cooperative supply chain in the Southern Plains. MKC总裁兼首席执行官Brad Stedman表示,TEMCO的扩建将优化双方的合作关系.
总部设在堪萨斯州蒙德里奇., MKC处理大约1亿蒲式耳的硬红冬小麦, sorghum, 每年种植玉米和大豆. 小麦是该合作社最大的出口作物,每年出口约1500万至2000万蒲式耳.
在过去, 粮食通常卖给有出口能力的皇冠hga010安卓二维码, 所以这些收入在地方层面上并没有完全实现, 说Stedman. 但形势发生了变化, he says, because MKC farmer-owners now have direct access to international buyers through the cooperative system.
“这些利润通过MKC回流, 然后再回到我们的11,以惠顾的形式向000名农场主提供补贴, 股权赎回或新建资产,如穿梭列车装载设施,他补充道. “It’s going to enable us to move faster to reinvest in what is an aging infrastructure in this region.”
其中许多电梯都是在20世纪50年代和60年代建造的, 他解释说, 当收益率较低时, 卡车和农场都变小了. 斯特德曼说:“农民有时比我们现在行动得更快。.
CHS和MKC正在建设一个粮食码头.堪萨斯州斯特林附近有200万蒲式耳的产能.该项目计划于2024年投入运营. 它将有效地装载穿梭列车, 就像米兰和广州的其他合资工厂一样, 总存储量18.一百万蒲式耳.
尼尔Johnke, CHS饲料谷物高级主管, 说有多个港口可以快速卸载穿梭列车, 卡车或驳船——在某些地方同时使用这三种工具——对粮食买卖双方来说是一种优势.
“堪萨斯州的一家合作社, if freight spreads tell us to take grain to either the PNW or the Texas Gulf to make $2 more per ton, 我们可以这么做. 如果默特尔格罗夫的海运价差更便宜,我们就可以去那里,”约翰说. “这将使我们成为世界上首选的供应商之一. 农民将分享整个供应链的利润.”
Dale Schmidt recalls when the shuttle-loading facility jointly owned by MKC and CHS opened nearly 10 years ago in Canton, 离他的麦克弗森几英里远, Kan., farm. 许多商品的基础, 尤其是坚硬的红冬小麦, 每蒲式耳收窄约10美分或更多. 他将这归因于运输成本的降低和终端用户需求的增强.
Schmidt will be watching for a similar effect once the Sterling shuttle loader is shipping grain to the Houston TEMCO terminal.
他表示:“当我们能够在基础上获利时,这才是真正的意义所在。. “一天结束的时候, 我是否能从粮食或赞助中得到更多报酬, 我看到价值又回到了我身上.”
施密特每年生产数十万蒲式耳的硬红冬小麦, 每年种植玉米和大豆. 当价格有利时,高粱偶尔成为轮作作物的一部分.
The potential for higher commodity prices is intriguing, agrees grower Jason Gaeddert of Buhler, Kan.但他表示,他对整合合作供应链的投资同样感到兴奋.
“卡车从油田到电梯再返回的转弯时间很重要,”Gaeddert说. “刷新资产或建立新资产有助于整个供应链. 这给农民带来了价值.”
杰夫·博伊德, Garden City Co-op首席执行官, 对CHS扩大出口机会和农民将获得的附加值感到兴奋吗.
这家合作公寓位于堪萨斯州的花园城(Garden City).该皇冠hga010安卓二维码正在建设其第一个全资拥有的穿梭装载机设施.堪萨斯州霍尔科姆(Holcomb)附近的库存量为100万蒲式耳. 它共同拥有另一家类似的转运皇冠hga010安卓二维码.
The co-op typically exports 20 shuttle trains each of hard red winter wheat and sorghum per year, 另外还运了一些大豆, 博伊德说. 一列115到120节车厢的火车可以载435人,000蒲式耳小麦或大豆和465蒲式耳,000蒲式耳高粱.
Boyd says the ability to quickly fill trains with commodities lets the co-op leverage its grain origination and merchandising teams to reach more markets. With the expansion of TEMCO in Houston and the new shuttle loader projected to open in May 2024, 他预计会有更多的粮食通过合作系统运输和销售.
“它让我们能够更多地掌控自己的命运,博伊德说, who oversees 20 elevators in southwest Kansas with a grain capacity of more than 37 million bushels.
这对花园城市合作社的1350名农场主来说意味着什么? 博伊德和迈克·威斯纳, 粮食副总裁, hope the enhanced opportunities mean better grain prices and larger returns on investment for co-ops and their owners.
“More direct access to global markets will give us the ability to set our bids accordingly and hopefully improve margins,博伊德说. “The benefit of the cooperative model is that profits are shared with farmers — and that money stays locally.”